The challenges hotels have faced opening up & how they’re recovering

The UK hotel industry has suffered tremendously over the last 18 months. It started with the COVID-19 outbreak making it impossible for hotels to stay open to guests. Unlike other businesses, hotels couldn’t simply adopt a ‘work from home’ model, meaning many staff were furloughed or laid off.

While the UK COVID-19 vaccine programme shone a light at the end of the tunnel, the hotel industry has been thrown yet another curveball by Brexit and staffing shortages. Yes, many hotels, which had to shut during the pandemic, have found staff have moved onto other jobs or have left the country. What’s more, the recent national shortage of lorry drivers is holding up linen deliveries. And we all know just how crucial clean cotton bed sheets are to a hotel experience!

The outlook seems pretty bleak right now, but ‘this too shall pass.’ Hotels will come out the other side because the demand for the luxury home-away-from-home experience they offer will only continue to grow in the post-covid world.

How hotels are winning back guests

Despite facing numerous problems, hotels are determined to win back guests. Many have increased pre-visit communications with guests to inform them of COVID policies and ensure they enjoy the entire hotel experience in the safest way possible. Additionally, some hotels are offering contactless check-ins to increase safety while also limiting the need for front desk staff.

We’ve seen UK hotels partner with local attractions and restaurants to offer discounts to guests. It’s a great way to encourage people to book a stay, and it benefits both parties.

Hotel cancellation policies are also becoming increasingly flexible. But it’s not the case everywhere. Thankfully, there’s always PlansChange. So if you do get stuck with a non-refundable hotel room you can’t use, you can always sell it to someone else via our marketplace.

What you can do to support hotels through recovery

Without hotels, our UK stays and holidays abroad wouldn’t be the same. But to survive this period of recovery, hotels need our support now more than ever.

So what can you do to help?

Book with branded hotels through PlansChange! With strict cleaning procedures and COVID-19 policies, you can enjoy a luxury getaway with the peace of mind that your safety is the hotel’s top priority. And now that restrictions have lifted, hotels are reopening their gyms, leisure facilities and restaurants, so you get the full experience.

Many hotels are currently offering money-saving discounts to encourage guests back, so it’s worth visiting our great deals page to see what’s on offer!

Another way you can support hotels is by purchasing a gift voucher, either for yourself to use at a later date or as a gift for Christmas. Dine at hotel restaurants, use their spa facilities and shop in their stores. It all helps!

A final way you can help support hotels is to show a little kindness. It’s been a rough 18 months, and everyone is doing their best to get back to normal. If you have a great stay at a hotel, tell the world about it! Share reviews online and on social media. Drop the hotel a message if a staff member went above and beyond. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it can make a huge difference to hotel businesses during this recovery period.